The core requirements for growing plants indoors are:
Proper sunlight is the basic necessity to grow all types of plants. Artificial sources of lights like bulbs and tube lights are used in green houses to provide adequate light for growth. In greenhouses, the plants that need more light are usually grown underneath the direct source of light. Whereas, those that require lesser light are grown under these plants to make the maximum use of the available space and sources. If the light is not sufficient enough, the crops will not be able to grow properly. All plants need light for photosynthesis; the process of making sugar in the leaves, which is vital for plant growth. So, if the plant can’t make enough sugar, it will not grow and eventually die.
Proper amount of water is another vital factor for growing plants indoor. Different types of crops have different water requirement, the time, quantity and the frequency. In case of indoor crops, the quality of water also matters. The soluble nutrients in water play a vital role in the growth of indoor crops. If the water has a high concentration of salts, it might cause damage to crops. There are a few types of plants, whose foliage is sensitive to high fluorine or chlorine content present in water. Such crops, e.g. corn are grown on alleviated beds to prevent the potential damage from water.
Indoor crops are very sensitive to temperature changes. Most indoor plants can endure normal room temperature, suitable for humans, but relative humidity is also very important. If the temperature is too low, it hinders the growth of crops, just like crops do not grow in severe cold season. Maintaining optimum temperature is the key. This is usually done by using the light source as a source to retain adequate temperature as well. Another way to keep ideal temperature is by reducing night time of the plants. This is done by providing them light for longer periods than natural, outdoor environment. This allows the crops longer exposure to light, hence more production of sugar, which results in growth of crops.
Greenhouses usually maintain a certain level of humidity in their space which is required for the certain crops being grown in there. The cycle of transpiration keeps the humidity levels at constant, yet it needs consistent supervision to avoid any mishap. In case of higher temperature outside, humidifiers are also used to maintain humidity inside. * 22 Amazing facts about Pakistan.
Although fertilizers are not necessary, but in case of indoor crops, they are used to provide extra nutrients to the plants. * How to start a small business in Pakistan?
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